Amego Ltd
Company for Environmental
Research and Protection
Air quality model runs, environmental studies and plans, analyses of air quality and atmospheric parameters, consulting including advice and assist for the establishment of atmospheric modeling systems, seminars and workshops.
The work of AMEGO Ltd is based on two complementary approaches:
(1) conducting studies and providing services in the field of environmental research and
(2) running, design and development of computer systems / models for simulating the state of the atmosphere. We specialize in modeling the atmosphere, air quality and climate, calculating the dispersion of pollutants, modeling emissions and air quality.
We use...
We provide environmental studies for industry as well as for public and private entities obliged to conduct environmental assessments and plans.
We organize seminars on modeling, regulatory environmental framework, advanced academic lectures on specific atmospheric systems and phenomena (e.g., turbulence processes parametrizations) from theory to practice , taylored for users needs.
Our projects
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Regional-scale modelling for the assessment of atmospheric particulate matter concentrations at rural background locations in Europe
Airborne particles origin, emissions and health impacts
The assessment of transboundary and regional air pollution due to particles
About us Goran Gašparac, founder of AMEGO Ltd
Goran has worked in the field of environmental protection for more than 10 years. His expertise includes leading and participating in impact assessment studies, EU and national research and projects, applied meteorology studies and numerical model system development for weather and marine forecasts. He was working in National meteorological and hydrological service on various EU and national climate change projects and research studies.
Scientific advisory team
Full Professor at Faculity of Science, Department of Geophysics,
Expert in Boundary-layers, atmospheric buoyancy waves, coastal & mountain meteorology