

#Air quality, Climate, model simulations

Models we use

WRF za web

Weather Research and Forecasting model.The WRF is a mesoscale numerical weather prediction system designed for operational forecasting needs and atmospheric research. It is used in various applications on different scales, from convection, baroclinic waves, local and regional atmospheric circulation, to synoptic-scale problems.

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Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with chemistry. It is a state-of-the-art air quality model in which the chemistry (emission, transport, mixing, and chemical transformation of trace gases and aerosols) is simultaneously simulated with meteorology (a fully “online” coupling). The model can be used for various environmental application for both research and air quality forecasting needs.

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It is a multi-scale photochemical modeling system for both gas and particulate air pollution. In „offline“ coupling with meteorological model (in AMEGO we use WRF model), the model is capable of simulating air quality over many geographic scales, can treat a variety of inert and chemically active pollutants - photochemical gases, particulates, mercury and toxics and conduct source attribution, sensitivity, and process analyses.

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CMAQ model is a numerical air quality model designed for simulation of the concentration of airborne gases and particles, and the deposition processes. It provide fast, technically sound estimates of ozone, particulates, toxics, and acid deposition. It is used in „offline“ coupling mode with meteorological model (in AMEGO we use WRF model) to simulate the interaction of meteorology and air quality, e.g. the effects of particles on solar radiation and mostly to test the impact of future emission regulations (e.g. in US EPA).

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It is
Gaussian model used for estimation of the concentration of pollutants (both gas and particulates)
at specified ground
level receptors surrounding an emissions source. It can be offline coupled with
rvations and model
(e.g. WRF).

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It is a system for computing (backward) atmospheric trajectories, complex dispersion and simulations using either puff or Lagrangian particles. The meteorological input is used from archived dana sources at National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) i.e., global latitude/longitude data from GFS model at 1° horizontal resolution.

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The model is used for various application, especially for testing EU regulatory developments in the field of air quality and air protection. In AMEGO we use EMEP as fully „offline“ coupled model with meteorological models (IFS or WRF) to simulate the atmospheric transport and deposition of acidifying and eutrophying compounds, as well as for photo-oxidants and particulate matter over Europe.

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Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with chemistry. It is a state-of-the-art air quality model in which the chemistry (emission, transport, mixing, and chemical transformation of trace gases and aerosols) is simultaneously simulated with meteorology (a fully “online” coupling). The model can be used for various environmental application for both research and air quality forecasting needs.
It is a multi-scale photochemical modeling system for both gas and particulate air pollution. In „offline“ coupling with meteorological model (in AMEGO we use WRF model), the model is capable of simulating air quality over many geographic scales, can treat a variety of inert and chemically active pollutants - photochemical gases, particulates, mercury and toxics and conduct source attribution, sensitivity, and process analyses.

It is a system for computing (backward) atmospheric trajectories, complex dispersion and simulations using either puff or Lagrangian particles. The meteorological input is used from archived dana sources at National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) i.e., global latitude/longitude data from GFS model at 1° horizontal resolution.


It is a system for computing (backward) atmospheric trajectories, complex dispersion and simulations using either puff or Lagrangian particles. The meteorological input is used from archived dana sources at National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) i.e., global latitude/longitude data from GFS model at 1° horizontal resolution.

It is a system for computing (backward) atmospheric trajectories, complex dispersion and simulations using either puff or Lagrangian particles. The meteorological input is used from archived dana sources at National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) i.e., global latitude/longitude data from GFS model at 1° horizontal resolution.


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